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Bulkloads Podcast

Mar 30, 2020

In this episode Jared talks with Tim Ekert of Smart Cap Technologies. Smart Cap created a band to put inside hats to detect when a truck driver is starting to fatigue to prevent accidents. 



Mar 23, 2020

Today Jared speaks with Jerry Ashley of Agra-Logistics on how trucking has changed over the years.  The conversation flows into a natural follow up on last week's episode about deregulation in the trucking industry. 

Mar 16, 2020

On today's podcast, Jared speaks with Tim Brady on what deregulation did for trucking. Truckers are all over the map on what deregulation did.  Some think that it ruined the business while others believe it really helped them.  Today we will find out how it impacted Tim Brady, and learn more about deregulation....

Mar 9, 2020

Today Jared speaks with Kathy DePauw of Blue Bomber Logistics about their history and their main focus in the bulk freight industry.  Trucking is definitely a vital part of the grain industry, and we will learn more about this role today.  



Mar 2, 2020

Today Jared speaks with John Kuhlmann of Agforce Transportation Services from Leawood, Kansas.  They will be talking about their massive growth from starting with four employees and growing to a team of seventy just five years later!